
Hall / Gallery

  • Kakitsubata Hal

    Kakitsubata Hall

    This proscenium style hall of distinguished theater space with a wood grain finish floor is most suitable for stage art such as concerts, performances, musicals, and dances, as well as ceremonies and lectures. Furthermore, seats are arranged to surround the stage in a circle to create a warm and soft atmosphere.

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  • Hanashobu Hall

    Hanashobu Hall

    This hall gives a sense of unity and familiarity of the stage with the audience, and moving audience seats enables the creation of more freestyled spaces. Furthermore, for buffet style parties.

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  • ギャラリー


    This is a space where you can express various types of artwork transcending boundaries of genre.

Rehearsal Room

  • リハーサル室1

    Rehearsal Room 1

    Capacity-88 persons (173m²) with ballet bar, mirror and piano

  • リハーサル室2

    Rehearsal Room 2

    Capacity-38 persons (76m²) with ballet bar, mirror and piano

  • リハーサル室3

    Rehearsal Room 3

    Capacity-13 persons (26m²)

  • リハーサル室4

    Rehearsal Room 4

    Capacity-6 persons (26m²) with one set of drums and a keyboad

Workshop Room / Lecture Room

  • ワークショップ室1

    Workshop Room 1

    Capacity-24 persons (32m²)

  • ワークショップ室2・3

    Workshop Room 2・3

    Capacity-12 persons (25m²)

  • ワークショップ室1~3

    Workshop Room 1-3

    Capacity—48 persons (82m²)

  • 講義室

    Lecture Room

    Capacity—36 persons (70m²) with a set of audio-visual equipment

Japanese Style Practice Room / Tea-ceremony Room / Craftworks Room

  • 和室

    Japanese Style Practice Room

    Capacity/18 persons (37m²) Flooring usage is possible.

  • 茶室(知心庵)

    Tea-ceremony Room

    Capacity-20persons (63m²)

  • 工芸室

    Craftworks Room


Floor map





